Why maintenance?

Maintaining a coffee machine is essential to ensure that it performs optimally and to extend the life of the machine. Here are some key reasons why maintaining a coffee machine is important: coffee quality, prevention of clogging, prolonging its life, energy efficiency, hygiene and consistent performance

Combined Shape
Combined Shape

Nortembio | Eco lime

Out of stock

8,86 inclusive of VAT

Laures | Milk system cleaner

In stock

10,95 inclusive of VAT

keep your coffee machine in top condition with our maintenance products

Long life and optimal performance of your coffee machine start with regular maintenance. At Koffiemaatje, we understand how important this is. That's why we offer a wide range of maintenance products: from descaling agents to coffee system cleaners. Our products will keep your machine clean so you can continue to enjoy your well-earned cup of coffee.

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What do I need for maintenance on my coffee machine?

At Koffiemaatje, we have everything you need to maintain your coffee machine. From powerful descaling agents that fight limescale effectively to thorough coffee system cleaners that remove oil and coffee residue. Our products are specially developed to keep your machine clean and in optimal condition. Explore our range now and make maintaining your coffee machine a breeze.