Warranty and feedback

We care about our products and logically do our best to deliver them to you in top condition. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that an order breaks down during transport or that something else happens that leads to a warranty claim. Legally, you are required to report the defect to us within two months of discovering it. If the defect falls within the warranty, we will take care of repair or replacement free of charge.

The warranty period we use depends on the item purchased. This period is established by law and tailored to the expected lifespan of the item.

Het kan altijd voorkomen dat er iets niet helemaal gaat zoals gepland. We raden je aan om feedback eerst bij ons kenbaar te maken door te mailen naar info@koffiemaatje.shop. Leidt dit niet tot een oplossing, dan is het mogelijk om je geschil aan te melden voor bemiddeling via Stichting WebwinkelKeur via https://www.webwinkelkeur.nl/consument/geschil/. As of Feb. 15, 2016, it is also possible for consumers in the EU to file complaints through the European Commission's ODR platform. This ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr. If your feedback is not already being processed elsewhere, you are free to file your complaint through the European Union platform.

Please feel free to contact us. We are ready to help you! Please fill out the contact form in or send an email to info@koffiemaatje.shop and we will contact you within a maximum of 24 hours.

For telephone contact you will be called in the evenings


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